Please note: The following is only a guide to assist you in determining your insurance needs and should be seen as such. Your proposal form, policy document and schedule should be seen as your contract with Indequity Specialised Insurance Ltd, in conjunction with all other correspondence that may be sent to you from time to time. These are the legal documents forming the basis of our contract with you and should be consulted in all instances.
Business All Risk covers your possessions which are normally taken away from the address noted on your schedule by you, any member, director, partner, principal or employee.
Money and other negotiable instruments must be covered under the “Money” section.
Stock must be covered under the “Stock” or “Stock in transit” section.
Items which should be included under the Business All Risk section:
- Cell phones
- Portable electronic equipment such as notebooks, palmtops, computer accessories, digital recorders, as well as photographic and navigation equipment
- All other equipment designed to be used off-site
- Other items which you have specifically covered under the Business All Risk section and which are noted on your schedule
As the owner of the business, does your business offer a professional service?
If yes, please contact us for a quotation.