Please note: The following is only a guide to assist you in determining your insurance needs and should be seen as such. Your proposal form, policy document and schedule should be seen as your contract with Indequity Specialised Insurance Ltd, in conjunction with all other correspondence that may be sent to you from time to time. These are the legal documents forming the basis of our contract with you and should be consulted in all instances.

Vehicle cover indemnifies you for any and all eventualities relating to loss or damage to your vehicle, except for specified exclusions such as wear and tear, maintenance and electronic breakdown of your vehicle.

We may require that high risk vehicles are to be fitted with an approved early warning tracking device. If no such device is fitted, theft and hijack cover will be excluded. Proof of installation of such security systems must be submitted to Indequity. Please ensure that security devices installed in vehicles are tested on a regular basis and that they are kept in working order.

Please be aware that the values of your vehicles are automatically updated annually. The onus is on you to check these values and to inform us to add any extras.

Any vehicle used for more than ten business-related trips per month, must be insured for business usage. The use of your vehicle between your home and place of employment is regarded as private travel. Only people who hold a valid South African driver’s license may drive insured vehicles. Should a vehicle be driven by an individual not in possession of such a license, cover will automatically be suspended.

Once the insured’s children leave the parental home permanently, their vehicles may no longer be insured under their parents’ policy, unless the vehicle is registered in the name of the parent. Indequity must nevertheless be advised where the vehicle is kept. Likewise, we should be informed of any drivers who may drive any insured vehicle, in order to obtain prior approval for such drivers.

Insured vehicles must be maintained in a roadworthy condition, with particular emphasis on tyres and brakes.

Although 30-days car hire is automatically included in the event of theft, optional car hire cover is available for accident damage with either an automatic or manual vehicle and can be selected on application. We have three options available to you:

  • 14 days
  • 30 days
  • Unlimited

Optional tyre and mag wheels cover can be added to your policy, to ensure that you are covered for damage to your tyres, mag wheels and suspension.

Kindly refer to the complete policy wording for more detailed information regarding this section and any extensions there under. You are also more than welcome to contact us for any assistance.

Do you have a four year degree OR does your current premium exceed R5,000 per month?

If yes, please contact us for a quotation.


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